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Search in Reveal 11: Emoji

George Socha
December 6, 2022

15 min read

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Today’s Search in Reveal 11 post focuses on how to search emoji in Reveal 11.

In earlier posts in this series, I wrote about combining keyword and concept searches (Search in Reveal 11: Keyword, Concept, or Both); searching with just a few clicks (Search in Reveal 11: What a Click Can Do); using the new Term List Search function in Reveal 11 (Search in Reveal 11: Term List Search); filtering on metadata (Search in Reveal 11: Metadata Filtering); and RQL (Search in Reveal 11: Reveal Query Language, Part 1 and Search in Reveal 11: Reveal Query Language, Part 2).

This post is about emoji.

In December 2020, we introduced the ability to search for and analyze emoji in Brainspace:

The ability to work with emoji now is in Reveal 11 as well:

Search for Emoji

To start a search for emoji, paste the emoji into the search bar and chose the “Discover concepts about” option. In this example, I pasted a string of four emoji, 🤞😈👹🙌:

The platform displayed the four emoji I had pasted in the search bar in a Concept Search pane:

See and Change the Weight for an Emoji

Each concept has a weight assigned to it. This is true whether the concept in expressed in characters such as “finders fee”, or whether it is an emoji such as 🤞.

The weight assigned to a concept is indicated by the icon to the left of the concept. There are five weights available, each with a numerical value:

  • Excluded (0.0)
  • Law (0.33)
  • Medium (0.66)
  • High (1.0)
  • Required (weight = 1.0)

Here, the 🙌 emoji has a default with of High, as indicated but the solid blue circle:

If I want to change the weight assigned to a concept, whether text or emoji, I can click on the three dots next to the concept. Here, I clicked on the raised hands emoji, 🙌:

Here, I changed the weight for the raised hands emoji, 🙌, from High to Medium:

See Weights for All Concepts

To see the weights assigned to all the concepts in a search, I can click on the scales of justice icon in the lower left corner of the pane:

From there, I can click on the “download” button. That lets me download a csv file containing the terms and weights. Here, I downloaded the file for my emoji concepts and then load the contents of that file into an Excel spreadsheet:

See Concept Query

I also have the option of seeing my query in a traditional format. To do that, I can click on the “< >” icon next to the scales:

Use a More Complex Search for Emoji

There are various ways to modify my emoji search. One is to structure it so that I can change the connectors I use. In my initial search, I entered four emoji, 🤞😈👹🙌, as a single search. I could, instead, enter each of those emoji as a separate search. Here is the same search as I used at the beginning, but expressed differently:

From here, I could modify the connectors. I might change all the connectors from OR to AND, so that of searching for “🤞” OR “😈” OR “👹” OR “🙌”, I would search for “🤞” AND “😈” AND “👹” AND “🙌”:

With this change, I now get 16 documents back, instead of 17.

I might opt for a simpler search, such as one that looks for all documents that do contain 🤞 but do not contain 😈:

This time, I got back just one document.

Search Results

After I select “Search”, my results are displayed in the “Dashboard” view, with emoji visible in the document summaries on the right:

After I select “Search”, my results are displayed in the “Dashboard” view, with emoji visible in the document summaries on the right:

This reduces the number of responsive documents to four:

From here, I might decide to look at where a specific document fits in the Cluster Wheel. On the right side of the window is a Results Pane which shows summaries of the documents in the search results. To see where the third document in that list fits in the Cluster Wheel, I can click on the Cluster Wheel icon in that document’s summary:

When I click on the Cluster Wheel icon, the platform takes me from the Dashboard view to the Clusters view. In the Cluster Wheel, it draws a red line from the content of the wheel to the cluster containing the third document:

To see my document in context, I can click on the circle at the end of the red line:

This action takes me to the cluster that contains my document. In addition to seeing where my document fits on the Cluster Wheel, I also can see what other concepts that cluster of documents contains, including other emoji in the cluster:

Emoji Displayed in Documents

If I click on the third document, that takes me to the document viewer where I can see the emoji in context:

Searching Emoji from the Document Viewer

From the Document Viewer, I can copy an emoji and then paste it into my search bar to conduct a search for hit.

To start, in the viewer, I highlighted an emoji, right-clicked on the highlighted emoji, and selected “copy”:

I then pasted the copied open hands emoji, 👐, into the search bar:

And now we are back to where I started at the top of this post, looking at emoji in our Cluster Wheel:

And There’s More

What I showed today is just touches on how we enable you to search emoji, helping you enjoy the highest quality speed to insight in the industry.

For more information about how Reveal can empower your organization, contact us for a demo.

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