AI Models

Get on the fast track to success

Jumpstart review and analysis by prioritizing and deprioritizing content with Reveal's AI models — pre-built ones from Reveal's AI Model Library or bespoke models you create yourself.

How AI models help

Too much data, too little time and money, and a pressing need to zero in on critically important content while deprioritizing data that just doesn't matter? New lawsuits and investigations where you need to get a clear picture of what happened ASAP? Expertise that took years to develop and could disappear tomorrow with a single change in personnel? AI models — pre-built or created by you — are your heroes.

Models for prioritizing content, such as an employment and career advancement model that identifies conversations about promotions, job opportunities, and workplace performance
Models for deprioritizing content, such a personal and family events model that identifies communications related to family and personal plans outside of work
AI models encapsulate and enhance expertise, safeguarding against the loss from personnel changes

There’s an AI model
for that

Access out-of-the-box, pre-trained AI models and add them to your workflows, solving the cold start problem inherent in reactive litigation and investigations. Our team of data scientists continually develops models that can detect a range of compliance and ethics behaviors, from fraud to discrimination, identify sensitive data like PII, and locate privileged conversations.

Privileged conversation detection models — separate legally sensitive conversations from general data

Build your future with us

Convert your hard-earned domain expertise into quickly deployable bespoke AI models. Create custom models for your internal and external clients that accelerate and expand your services, enhance your value, and strengthen your relationships with your clients. Use your custom models to create new revenue streams and lines of business.

Transform domain expertise into bespoke AI models for rapid deployment
Custom AI models boost service speed and scope, enhancing client value and relationships
Utilize custom AI models to generate new revenue streams and business lines


Explore our FAQ section for quick answers to common queries.

Do I need a data scientist to build an AI model?
How do I learn to build AI models?
How can I tell whether an AI model does what it is supposed to do?

Attain optimal,
eDiscovery with Reveal

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