Modern Slavery Statement

The following is the Modern Slavery Act statement of Reveal Data Corporation and its subsidiaries and

affiliates, including Reveal Brainspace Limited, a UK Company, company number 13188235 (collectively

“Reveal”) and addresses Reveal’s anti-slavery/human trafficking. This statement is applicable for the

period from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025.

About Reveal and its Supply Chain

Reveal is a U.S. corporation and is a legal technology company providing eDiscovery software in cloud and

on-premises deployments. Reveal’s global headquarters is located in Chicago, U.S., with operations in

Dublin, Ireland, London, England, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Barcelona, Spain, and Hyderabad, India.

Reveal does not manufacture goods, operate factories, or handle raw materials or commodities. The

company endeavors to source products and services from local suppliers but in some instances, the

company engages with global suppliers. Reveal’s supply chains include marketing, office and IT

equipment, technology, and corporate services (such as accounting, lawyers, and consultants).

Corporate Policies and Practices

Reveal’s commitment to human rights is founded in the belief the company must bring basic human

decency to everything it does: from how technology is used, to how employees act on an individual-to-

individual basis. The company’s culture of decency is shaped and driven by senior leadership and

reinforced by all employees. Reveal does not tolerate slavery, forced labor, or human trafficking in its

business or supply chains. Reveal endeavors to comply with all applicable statutes and regulations in

the countries within which the company conducts business, and in support of such efforts, Reveal's:

  • Code of Conduct requires compliance with all laws applicable to the company (including anti-

modern slavery and human trafficking laws and regulations) in the jurisdictions in which Reveal

conducts business;

  • Anti-Human Trafficking Policy prohibits employees and service providers from engaging in

human trafficking and slavery-related activities. Employees receive annual training on this


  • Procurement practices include performing due diligence related to modern slavery and human

trafficking on vendors and potential vendors, and require all vendors to be contractually

obligated to comply with all applicable laws, including those related to the employment

relationship and human rights; and

  • Senior leadership monitors and enforces compliance with the above standards. Employees are

required to report violations of our policies and may do so directly to senior leadership or

through Reveal’s global whistleblower portal.

Risk Assessment

Given the nature of the services we provide, the professional workforce we employ, our procurement

practices, and the current composition of our supply chain, we currently view the risk of modern slavery

and human trafficking in our organization to be low. To date, we have not discovered any modern slavery

in our supply chains.

Approval of Statement

Reveal’s Board of Directors approved this statement and authorized the Chief Executive Officer to sign it

on behalf of the Board of Directors on February 26, 2025.


Wendell R. Jisa

Chief Executive Officer and Founder

Reveal Data Corporation