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What is Reveal 11?

George Socha
August 23, 2022

15 min read

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Introducing Reveal 11, a transformative e solution, the result of many years’ efforts to combine our processing, review, analysis, and production capabilities, infuse them with artificial intelligence, and deliver an unsurpassed eDiscovery platform. With Reveal 11, we are releasing the industry’s first fully integrated AI-powered platform, a system that combines the best Reveal has to offer into a single pane of glass.

A Single Pane of Glass

Reveal 11 gives you one platform where you can process data; use a vast array of AI capabilities to explore that data, understand it, and hone in on what matters most to you; perform AI-driven (and manual) reviews; perform productions; and manage the entire process with tools such as expanded and just-in-time reporting:


In this example, you see four widgets: a timeline based on date sent; a total document count and a candy bar breakdown by originals, near duplicates, exact duplicates, and document not analyzed; and histograms for document types and custodians.

You could display different widgets, such as this one showing documents by low, medium, and high ranges of AI Model predictive scores:


Elements on the dashboard are interactive. You can click on a month to drill into days, for example, or click on “Originals” in the candy bar to limit the information displayed to that from original documents.

You also can have different views displayed by role, so that a partner might start with an overview in the Dashboard and a reviewer might go directly to the Review Grid.

Reveal 11 gives quick access to a traditional review grid:


You also have quick access to the Cluster Wheel, for which Brainspace is so well known:


From any of these views, you can start a search. You can, for example, enter a word in the search bar. That brings up a Concept Search view, also familiar to Brainspace users, that takes advantage of our patented phrase detection:


For more options, you can select the Advanced Search icon (the three bars forming a triangle). That brings up a window that offers you additional options:


You can, for example, search keywords, simple keywords, email, AI model scores, notebooks, tags (both AI and traditional), date sent, custodian, file size, and app name. You also can construct searches with several of these elements:


Should you want, at any point in this process you can navigate to our Brain Explorer, which I discussed in an earlier post:


Where We Came From

Reveal entered the legal technology market in 2011 with the first version of its review platform. In 2016, we launched our cloud infrastructure initiative and began our partnership with AWS, making Reveal one of the first eDiscovery technology companies to build a cloud-based platform. We added processing and ECA capabilities with our 2019 acquisition of Mindseye Solutions.

Reveal greatly enhanced its AI offerings with its 2020 acquisition of NexLP. This brought industry-defining AI technology into the platform. It also added strategic leadership and the most robust data science team in the space.

Less than six months later, we further expanded our AI capabilities and upped our visual and AI analytics game with the acquisition of Brainspace. This brought together the industry’s two premier AI technology platforms, added deep expertise in data visualization, and further bolstered our leadership and development teams.

A Team Effort

This journey has been – and continues to be – a team effort. At Reveal, everyone has been pulling together, pursuing the goal of building the very best platform we can offer. Reveal’s customer success, support, onboarding, and training teams, its engineering, product, and technical operations departments, its product and research & development teams, its data science organization, and its business development and marketing teams all have worked closely with company leadership toward this common goal.

To make this work, we have expanded our team considerably. The development team has grown twenty-fold in this time, and we have brought on board new groups such as our UX, or user experience, team.

A Client Driven Process

As hard as we have pushed ourselves, our clients have pushed us harder. Reveal 11 would not exist without the insights, suggestions, and guidance we received from some of the world’s premier law firms, ALSPs, consultancies, and advisory firms. They suggested new features we never would have considered, offered improvements we otherwise wouldn’t have known they wanted, and stress-tested Reveal 11 in ways we could not have done.

Thanks to our clients’ deep involvement in our development efforts, Reveal 11 is replete with client-driven enhancements and new features. Here are a few examples.

Native redaction. We created a new native redaction workflow, one integrated into the review platform.

Coding rules. We are introducing a robust and intuitive function that allows to create, test, and control rules that manage how documents can be tagged as well as workflows to support those rules.

Coding panel. We have improved our coding panel, improving administrators’ ability to create complex tagging workflows with visual cues and prompts.

Review metrics. You can create custom reports and dashboards to help you better analyze review productivity, accuracy, and progress.

Reporting. We’ve added a “report builder” module you can use to create custom reports on the fly such as search term hit reports and metadata reports. We have enhanced search term reports and augmented your ability to export reports including ones structured to allow immediate easy use of that data in Excel.

Field-base searching. You now can search seamlessly search text and metadata simultaneously, an augmentation that increases both the power of the searches you can formulate and the speed with which you get results.

Faceted search builder. We have rebuilt our faceted search builder. With capabilities such as stacking, filtering, and the visual representation of filters, you get a more efficient process and faster results.

Navigation and UX. Extensive client testing of our new interface has provided feedback that has enabled us to greatly improve the general performance of the platform as well as navigation within the user interface, leading to better speed to insights.

Review management. We have enhanced administrative capabilities such as batching and tracking process of review projects, including real-time review metrics.

Production. We’ve added production options, such as the ability to create custom slip sheets where documents have been excluded from a production set.

Flexible Deployment

Reveal continues to offer the most flexible deployment options in the market.

Cloud. Reveal 11 is available via Reveal’s cloud infrastructure, with 24 data centers covering six continents as well as access to the US GovCloud.

On premise. The same code base can be deployed on premise, which in our parlance means in your own AWS instances, other cloud platforms, data centers of your choosing, behind your firewall – you name it – enabling you to maintain full control of your data in your own infrastructure.

Hybrid. You can use a hybrid approach, leveraging the Reveal Cloud infrastructure in conjunction with your own data infrastructure.

Mobile. Where neither the cloud nor your infrastructure is an option, such as when dealing with highly sensitive data, you can elect to use a mobile option.

Reveal’s AI Pledge

We know how important the safety and security of your data is to you. That is why we have introduced Reveal’s AI Pledge.

Our organization pledges to promote the responsible use of data when developing AI models – employing trustworthy practices, knowledgeable practitioners, and secure methodologies.

The pledge is built on three pillars:

  • Trustworthy: Never use client data for AI models without explicit permission from the client.
  • Knowledgeable: Build AI models using knowledgeable and trained professionals.
  • Secure: Use security measures tailored to the privacy needs of those whose data was used in creating models.

This is our pledge. We hope it will be yours as well.

Reveal’s Product Certification Program

We know there’s a lot here. That’s why we continue to expand our product certification program and are rolling out Reveal Academy with Scholar, Savant, and Genius certification levels.

Currently we offer 10 product certifications, self-paced instructional tools designed to help you better understand what we have to offer, how you can use our offerings, and how using them can put you in a better place. The current certifications are:

  • Brainspace Analyst
  • Brainspace Specialists
  • Brainspace Administrator
  • Brainspace Sales
  • Brainspace AI Model Building
  • Reveal Review
  • Reveal AI
  • Reveal Processing
  • Reveal Sales
  • Reveal AI Modeling Framework

We have more certifications on the way. These include product training and product documentation deliverables to help you get started with review, administer projects, search and filter data, and visualized your data. We also have plans for certifications on additional certifications on AI, productions, workflows, and more.

And There Will be More

Lest you think we plan to rest on our laurels, think again. Stay tuned for announcements about yet more powerful, innovative additions to Reveal’s platform – all to help you enjoy the highest quality speed to insight in the industry.

If your organization is interested in learning more about Reveal 11 and finding out how Reveal uses AI as an integral part of its AI-powered end-to-end legal document review platform, please contact us.

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