Review millions of documents in minutes

Our AI-powered document review software helps law firms easily do eDiscovery in-house, in a fraction of the time — no technical skills needed.

Want to automate tedious document review?

Document review in 3 simple steps

Drag and drop files to upload
Filter, tag, and search files in seconds
Download documents as PDFs in a few clicks

“It saved us an incredible amount of time, allowing us to review thousands of emails, correspondences, and documents without manually going through them”

Hany R
Legal Operations Specialist

Check how it can help your business.

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Find the evidence that wins cases, faster

Get instant answers with AI

Securely integrate unstructured data from Slack, Google, Microsoft, and more

Manage data without code

Ask any question in your own words and pull instant answers from your data with Gen AI

Review multiple data formats

Easily pinpoint key evidence from Whatsapp, email, audio and video files, and more

Book a free demo

Is Reveal really the most effective way to review documents in your law firm?

Stop doing this!

Spending days manually reviewing files
Drowning in 25% to 40% duplicate data
Struggling to recover costs from external vendors
Battling cumbersome and costly eDiscovery

Stop doing this!

Search millions of files in seconds
Automatically deduplicate files with AI
Maximize billable hours with in-house eDiscovery
Quickly learn a platform as easy as online shopping

Join 5000+ legal practices already using Reveal

“Straightforward pricing that is allocated in such a way that it can be easily passed on to the client”

Jason R
Director of Operations

“You can tag with pre-made tags and custom tags, assign documents to users, and download, customizing your bates labels, endorsements, and production file type without losing quality”

Devyn Q
Legal Assistant

“Very quick, intuitive program, remarkably fast compared to Relativity etc.”

Verified user
Legal services

Ready for eDiscovery without the overwhelm? Schedule a free 30-minute chat.

Learn exactly where you could be saving hours
Get custom tips on automation in your firm
Discuss how to stay competitive with AI