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eDiscovery Leaders Live: Rose Singh of Triage Data Solutions

George Socha
December 20, 2021

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Rose Singh, the owner and CEO of Vancouver-based Triage Data Solutions, joins George Socha, Senior Vice President of Brand Awareness at Reveal, for ACEDS #eDiscoveryLeadersLive.

Rose has 25 years of experience as a trained paralegal professional, providing direct support to clients for complex electronic data management and litigation support and managing and directing data analyst teams for both law firms and document management organizations. Passionate about improving services for clients through the use of legal technology, she also advocates for the advancement of all legal professionals in delivering access to justice for users in the legal system.

Rose started the discussion tracing her path from immigrant to eDiscovery business owner, and then spent the bulk of her time focusing on access to justice, especially for indigenous communities.

Key Highlights

  • [3:50] Why brought Rose to the legal industry in the first place.
  • [5:40] Her first foray into the legal industry.
  • [6:48] The transition to eDiscovery, around 2005, and the progression of platforms she used.
  • [8:28] What initially drew Rose to access-to-justice issues.
  • [12:08] An obligation to help – and many opportunities to do so.
  • [13:00] How access to justice and eDiscovery line up: barriers and ways to address them.
  • [14:34] Addressing a lack of eDiscovery resources.
  • [16:19] Helping those lawyers for whom eDiscovery still is new.
  • [19:55] Especially effective – or especially unproductive – approaches.
  • [21:31] Triage Data’s access to justice initiatives including their reconciliation plan and work with indigenous communities.
  • [23:52] Particularly acute challenges for indigenous communities.
  • [25:08] Looking to the future of access to justice: a more level playing field.
  • [27:00] How to get more involved.

Key Quotes by Rose Singh

  • “I saw clients struggling with things where I thought, there’s got to be something out there that we can do as paralegals… I’ve always thought that paralegals had the skills and the knowledge and the training experience to help those people who couldn’t afford lawyers, to just navigate their way through the system…”
  • “As a new business owner in the litigation support and the legal technology space, I feel like I’m in a position to more than just talk about the challenges and barriers and actually do something about it.”
  • “If you’re looking at the front-end user and you’re looking at a self-represented litigant, technology is the biggest challenge, I think, because you’ve got people who first of all don’t know how to navigate their way through the legal system and now they’ve got technology that their not really sure how to use.”

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